Teacher & Learner Development
Are you looking for assistance in training and developing your Accounting staff in their knowledge and skills? The authors of New Era are offering this support. All are expert teachers who have been very successful in the classroom and are involved in the subject at the highest level. They would like to share this knowledge and skills with you.
Courses are tailor made to suit your needs and can include, amongst others, the following:
- Introducing Accounting to Grade 8 and 9 so that learners understand the principles and not are not just rote learning. These skills are vital for learners who will continue with the subject in Grades 10 – 12.

Photo depicts teachers in Matatalie using coloured charts and beans to learn the principles of the Accounting equation.
- Training in any topics for Grade 10 – 12.

Photo depicts Grade 12 teachers in Kimberley at a workshop to improve sections of work not done well by learners in the NCS 2017 examination.
- Assisting learners and teachers with support in examination preparation.
- Developing assessment tasks focussing on including cognitive skills and degree of challenge.
All the courses are supported with video material that is available on the web https://newerapublishers.co.za as well as QR codes and videos in the study guides and some textbooks.
If you require such assistance or support please contact Diane either via the web link or on newgen@netactive.co.za
Di Woodroffe